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导读 farewell KK: [] DJ: [] int. 1. 再会!别了! Farewell! I hope we meet in New York next time. 再见!希望下次能在纽约...

farewell KK: [] DJ: [] int. 1. 再会!别了! Farewell! I hope we meet in New York next time. 再见!希望下次能在纽约相见。

n. 1. 告别;告别话[U][C] They waved farewell to their friends on board the ship. 他们对船上的朋友挥手告别。

2. 送别会;(欢送退休艺人的)送别演出[C] a. 1. 告别的[B] farewell present 饯别礼物 farewell party 欢送会 His farewell speech was very touching. 他的告别演讲非常感人。
